At case examine answer beginning of case look at solution direction I would have defined myself as someone who embraced case study solution deontological theory, believing in inalienable rights and inherent value of right and wrong. Throughout case look at answer direction various readings and discussions coupled with a heightened recognition of how I was making non-public and professional selections I found out that during my actions I embraced a teleological idea. I may see that case examine answer greater good may be justified in some instances by activities that in response to Kant, a deontological theorist, may be deemed morally wrong. For example, some people feel offering tax incentives to new agencies or opposing legislations that imposes mandatory sick depart days for small business personnel or increasing case examine answer unemployment tax, are morally incorrect as a result of case study answer acts assist some americans and not all of case look at solution individuals. In order to revitalize Springfield and finally America, we must embrace a teleological frame of mind to encourage new enterprise and entrepreneurial ventures. My ideals come from a dedication to provider and helping others that runs deep in my family.