A coverage is a rule that determines case examine answer course of motion taken by a enterprise. As you broaden your home based mostly company, you determine how your products may be delivered, how your customers could be handled, and so on. These are case look at solution policies on your home business. The administrative tasks you perform in case study solution daily operation of your enterprise. The record preserving projects you carry out in preserving your financial documents. You deserve to use a constant layout when writing your policy and technique guide. The expenditures of worker robbery are especially daunting. An estimated 75 percent of employees steal from case examine solution place of work, and most accomplish that time and again. One third of all US company bankruptcies are brought about without delay by employee robbery; US companies lose nearly $400 billion per year in lost productivity as a result of “time robbery” or loafing; and an anticipated 20 percent of every greenback earned by a US agency is lost to employee theft. Terrence Shulman, “Employee Theft Statistics,” Employee Theft Solutions, 2007, accessed October 7, 2011, . Office gives, cash, and merchandise are case study answer most frequently stolen items. Leslie Taylor, “Four in 10 Managers Have Fired Employees for Theft,” Inc.